Everywhere I go there is always a setback on people trying to tell you, you are crazy, they believe that Covid rules are good for you and that the gov. is never preventing you to work if you don't take in a vaccine, and take out your freedoms as a citizen. It's sad to see that. 

I don't know if these people don't see the ramifications and future problems that these things can bring. I like the US part that is always trying to take out power from the gov. 

Every time, you get attacked by people who call you names, think you are a lunatic and crazy for thinking for yourself and having ownership of the only thing that we own, our bodies. Currently, we are losing that only right. 

It's been almost 3 years, and we are still under restrictions, one country has less or more than others, but we are so dormant that the future is on a silver plate for corporations. 
